I hate it when you are on Cloud 9, everything is going your way, and then all of a sudden something goes wrong and you might as well be back in the ninth circle of Hell all over again. That seems to be how my life goes lately. I was just getting excited about dating someone I was really interested in, and BAM! He's not interested in me and is now basically back to avoiding me. Of course, he managed to squeeze in lots of advice on how to pick yourself up and be happy, which was about the last thing I was interested in hearing at that point. I feel kind of like a punching bag that is old and worn and losing all of its stuffing. And the worst part? Nobody cares.
How do you move on while still nursing the wound? All I want to do right now is hide from the world, cut off all human contact (or at least with everyone that I know), and somehow stitch my heart back together. I heard that introverts are like that; they are ok to be with people, but people drain them, and they need time alone to recharge themselves emotionally and physically. I suppose I am an introvert right now. Big surprise, though, eh? Within two or three weeks I was proposed to, broke up with my boyfriend, got another boyfriend, and got dumped by him. Is it a crime for me to want to avoid people, since people are the ones that keep abusing me?
How do you move on when your heart looks like confetti and your brain looks like a puddle? *sigh*